Sunday, May 31, 2009

1026.1 Miles

Just got to Denver late this morning after driving for a very very long time. Logged about 850 miles on Saturday and then another couple hundred this morning. Slept in the cab of my truck last night at a rest stop in Sterling, CO, not as comfortable as you might think...or as extremely uncomfortable as you might think. I got to my brother and sister-in-laws house this morning at 8 and slept till 12, it was everything I hoped it would be. So just hanging out for the rest of the night here and heading over to Grace Chapel tomorrow to figure out what the next 8 weeks is going to look like!

I left home Saturday morning at 10 AM and got to Mark and Amanda's Sunday at 8 AM, so what do you think about when you spend 22 hours in your car?? (man that sounds depressing...haha) I was thinking about this summer. What makes me think that I can be a part of this ministry? What do I have to offer these students? I don't think it's about having something that another person doesn't have, it's about offering somebody what you've been given. I think that it's a lie that we sometimes believe that says that we don't have anything to offer anybody. When we compare ourselves to somebody else we often compare our weaknesses to their strengths and that just leaves us feeling insignificant. The best thing we have to offer isn't ourselves anyways, it's what God has given us. There's nothing that I myself have to offer people that they can't get from somebody else, but what God has for each person is beyond what I can give. It's God working through me to accomplish his purpose for the people I come in contact with. And hopefully, what God has given me becomes who I am, so my very self becomes what God has entrusted me with and that way every interaction I have with anybody is an interaction with God, who is love. So as I start this summer practicum, I hope and pray that God develops in me himself and I become who He wants me to be so that what I give to people is nothing of my own power, but everything of God's power. I have nothing important to offer, but God only gives good gifts, and most times He chooses to give those good gifts through His people.

1 comment:

  1. dave, you have no idea how happy this makes me. :) i'm excited to hear how God works in you (and through you) this summer!
